Thursday, June 13, 2013

How Soup Can Help You Lose Weight and Keep it Off!

Losing and maintaining a healthy weight is an on-going battle for many. The worst part is hunger! Imagine if there was a way to lose weight and keep it off and never be hungry again?

Well there is and it is a dieters best kept secret until now and that is eating soup every day! I don’t mean eating the same soup every day as that would be nutritionally not healthy and very boring!

The soup secret is simply this: if you eat the food and drink the water, you will feel full for a couple of hours before hunger kicks in. But if you blend the food with the water to make soup you will stay hunger-free for much longer, and less likely to snack through the afternoon. 

Scientists have used ultrasound and MRI scans of people's stomachs to investigate what happens after eating solid-food-plus-water meals compared with the same food made into soup with some very surprising results.

This is what they found out: after you eat a meal, the pyloric sphincter valve at the bottom of your stomach holds food back so that the digestive juices can get to work. Water, however, passes straight through the sphincter to your intestines, so drinking water does not contribute to "filling you up".

When you eat the same meal as a soup, the whole mixture remains in the stomach, because the water and food are blended together. The scientists' scans confirm that the stomach stays fuller for longer, staving off those hunger pangs. 

How wonderful is that! Simply by combining those same foods with water to make soup, you stay fuller a lot longer thus eliminating the need to eat those fattening snacks mid-afternoon.

Please download my latest book Soup Recipes for Weight Loss, It is absolutely FREE for 2 days then it will only be $2.99. Click Here

BE the BEST that YOU Can BE!
BE Positively Fabulous

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Seriously Skinny Soup...

It is so easy to put on weight over winter, as we wrap up in our winter warmers we don’t notice the kilos piling on. Until that is - spring hits and then we panic – how to take the weight off!

Best thing is not to put it on in the first place!

One way to help maintain our weight over winter and stay healthy too, is eating delicious home-made soups.

Not only are they healthy but they are full of vitamins with hardly any calories. So long as you keep out butter, cream and sugar you will probably be only consuming about 100 calories per serving!

Soup for lunch is ideal whether you eat at home or take it to work. Make up a batch enough for several days and keep it in the fridge, then take out just enough each day.

It is proven that soup stays longer in our stomach than whole vegetables – so you shouldn’t get hungry again until that terrible 4 o’clock time!

Because soup is not bulky food like bread it won’t swell up in your stomach making you look bloated throughout the day! It is the perfect flat tummy food! Anti-aging and anti-fattening!

Soup is a great way to add more vegetables to your diet, topped with a dollop of non-fat yoghurt or soy yoghurt and some slices of nuts...mmmmm so divine!

Bon Appétit

Here is one of my many favourite soup recipes…
Spinach Soup
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped up
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 medium potato, chopped up (about 1 cup)
  • 450 grams of frozen spinach
  • 4 cups of vegetable stock
  • A dash or two of nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Non-fat plain yogurt or soy yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of sliced almonds
Heat oil in a large saucepan and add onion, garlic and a pinch of salt. Allow to cook for about five minutes or so or until the veggies are nice and tender.

Stir in potato, spinach, and stock. Turn the heat up to high until you have a boil and then reduce to medium low and allow to simmer for about twenty minutes or until the potato is fork tender.

Allow the soup to cool a bit before spooning it into a blender or food processor. DO NOT blend when it is super-hot because everything will explode and you will get burnt!

Pulse soup a few times to get it started and then blend until you have a smooth consistency. Stir in, nutmeg, salt and pepper and blend one more time.

Give it a taste, adjust your seasonings, and top each bowl with a dollop of yogurt and 2 teaspoons of sliced almonds. Enjoy!

Makes 4 servings.

Nutritional Analysis
Calories: 150; Total Fat: 0g; Saturated Fat: 0.5; Cholesterol: 0mg; Sodium: 260mg; Carbohydrate: 19.4g; Dietary Fibre: 3.6g; Sugars: 4g; Protein: 7.8g

Friday, April 5, 2013

You Really Can Re-Grow Your Eyebrows!

A common mistake is made as overzealous teens when you pluck too many eyebrows out and much to your horror they never grow back again! Then you forever have to draw them on with a pencil, which never quite looks natural! Or worse still you just go around without eyebrows which looks very weird, see the photo of Catherine Zeta Jones below.

If you are teenager, be warmed, do not over pluck your eyebrows! If in doubt go to the beauty therapist to have them shaped the first time, then after which you can do easily yourself.

Eyebrows are vitally important to the overall look of your face, they frame your eyes and the way they are shaped can make appear older and dated or modern, youthful and vibrant.

Over thick eyebrows make your eyes appear closed or smaller which is aging, when what you want is for your eyes to appear bigger which is considered youthful.

Lucky for women today there are numerous brands that produce Eyebrow Regrow Serums. You simply apply them morning and night to your eyebrows and within a few weeks you will have regrown your eyebrows. Of course you do have to keep this up or your eyebrows will stop growing again.

My favourite brand is LASHFOOD.

Wishing you a FABULOUS day!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This Lipstick Really Does Stay On!

Isn’t it annoying that we have to keep re-applying our lipstick? If you apply your makeup correctly it will stay on all day, but still we have to keep applying lipstick after we have been talking, eating, drinking and kissing!

So when I finally found a lipstick that really does what they say it will do! Stay on all day! I want to shout it from the hilltops! Yay!

REVLON ColourStay Ultimate Liquid Lipstick! I have tried it and it does stay on without getting all sticky and gluggy like the old ones used to.

I even like the liquid part as it is so easy to apply, not that a lipstick in a tube is hard either!
Choose from 12 shades, my favourite it ‘Best Bubbly’ - just because I don’t suit dark or bright lipstick.

And Revlon, well you can but it almost everywhere and it won’t break the bank!

If you want to win one this month go to my DS Newsletter and enter this month’s competition!

Be the BEST that YOU can BE!
Look Positively Fabulous!